Project funding:
ERASMUS-SPORT-2024-SSCP, project number 101182749
Project duration:
1 January 2025 – 31 December 2026
Project partners:
Slovak Nordic Walking Association
Active Austria – Verein fuer aktiv Leben und Bildung
Daddyhood Croatia
Nowadays, families all across Europe have been leading increasingly sedentary lives, substituting quality time with their phones, TVs and other screens without sufficient level of physical activity.
In the WALKERS project, the consortium aims to support families in participating in Nordic walking together and therefore make a change in their daily habits for the better all while strengthening their family ties and replacing screen time for quality time together outdoors.
The aim is to establish and promote Nordic walking as a unifying and health-enhancing activity for all family members while cultivating a network of professionals dedicated to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
Dadddyhood Croatia is in charge of organising the Nordic Walking Family Experience on the island of Krk, Croatia, a 3-day mobility for families in June 2025.