DaddyHood Dadathlon

DaddyHood Dadathlon is a sports event for dads and kids to inspire them to get moving and spend valuably time together.

This year it is held in both live and virtual form for the ones who are not able to attend live events in certain countries.  





Upcoming Dadathlon events:

Check out our previous events:

    • Dadathlon CROATIA 4&5 May 2024
    • 29&30 April 2023 – Punat, Croatia
    • Punat, Croatia 30/4 2022 – Family festival and run event. Watch the recap video HERE.
    • Stockholm, Sweden 21/5 2022 – Family festival and run event, recap video HERE.
    • Sofia, Bulgaria 25/09 2022 – Family festival and hiking with kids, recap video HERE.
    • Netherlands, Dadathlon bike 2023 – recap video.


 What is it about?

DaddyHood Dadathlon is a one-of-a-kind event that consists of a group of three races covering three different sports disciplines, each taking place at a different time during the year. The unique thing about this sports event is that participants are dads and their kids.

The different events are:

RUNNING with kids in MAY
BIKING with kids in JUNE

The registration to Dadathlon is free of charge and you can do it virtually anywhere in the world. Choose your distance and get physically active together and help us fundraise for a good cause.

Sign up here for the virtual competition


Why should you do this?


  • Create bonds and memories with your kids
  • Inspire your kids to a healthy lifestyle
  • Be part of a community of dads who share similar values
  • Inspire other dads to be present and active fathers.
  • Help us fundraise for The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund – The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund works to fight childhood cancer and is supporting research that is used globally. For every participating dad our sponsors will donate a certain amount.

Have the chance to win great prizes

Dadathlon bulletpoints

  • No age limits – dads and kids of all ages are welcome to join

  • The more the merrier – participate with one child or as many as possible – it is up to you

  • Free of charge – the whole event is completely free of charge – possibilities to donate.

  • Do it anywhere – it is a virtual race and you pick the starting and ending points

  • Do it anytime – each race last for a month so you can pick the most suitable time for you and your child to do it.

How it works:

The Dadathlon consists of a group of three races covering three disciplines each taking place in different time during the year.  

01-31/5: Running with kids (strollers allowed)

01-30/6: Biking with kids (bike trailers or a child seat allowed)

01-30/9: Hiking with kids (carrier backpack allowed)

Pick your level

There are three different distances for each race to choose from according to one’s ability.

  • Bronze level– Running 3k, Biking 7 k, Hiking 2 k
  • Silver level– Running 7k, Biking 15k, Hiking 5 k 
  • Gold level– Running 15k, Biking 30k, Hiking 10

Upload your results

On the day of the race, you will track your activity with an app or sports watch. Then simply upload your results, the requested details and the activation link from your watch/app to this platform. More detailed description here

Win great prizes

There will be a leaderboard available by the time, where all competitors can follow their results,   but since this is a celebration of movement between dads and kids and not a classic competition, prizes will be awarded to the individuals and teams that post the most inspiring pictures or videos!

Tagging @daddyhoodeurope #DaddyHoodDadathlon

Each discipline is awarded separately and there will also be special prizes for the whole Dadathlon.

We will announce our prizes soon.


We understand children’s needs. It is allowed to stop your tracking device to take a break – keep in mind that your and the comfort of your kids is the most important.

You need to finish all three events to become a Dadathlon, but it is possible to only sign up for one event as well.

Do you have babies or toddlers?

To make sure you and your child are safe during the race, use strollers for running, a bicycle child seat or bike trailers and helmets for cycling and a carrier backpack for hiking.

Note! If you think your baby is too small to run, don’t worry! You can still register and instead of running make a quick walk with your baby in the stroller! Remember, Dadathlon is not about the best time it is about you spending time with your child!

Enjoy the race and memories you create with your kids/teenagers!

More questions?

Please read our Q&A or contact us directly via our email:


We are not responsible for any kind of injuries or accidents.

Take all necessary precautions when doing sports with kids and think about safety.

Remember this race is not about speed but bonding and having a healthy and fun time together.